Reasons For Leaving a
Book Review
reading experience varies, therefore book reviews are subjective. However, this
does not mean that they are not of value to authors and readers. Reviews are
social proof of the quality/popularity of a book. They are very helpful in
enabling an author to use book promotional services e.g. BookBub. They also
assist in boosting an author's visibility and sales. i.e. If you see a book
with fifty reviews and one with five, which one is more likely to draw your
attention? My guess is that you would be drawn to the book with fifty reviews.
Authors really do value your reviews, even if in some instances may not seem
like it. All that we ask is that you leave an honest review, no matter how big
or small.
A review
need not take much of your time. I can be just be a few lines, or it can
contain a short overview of the plot, but not a detailed outline and your
experience as a reader and any of the following:
- How it makes you feel.
- The good/bad aspects of the
- The atmosphere of the story.
- Are the characters believable?
- You willingness to read more
books by the author, particularly if the book is part of a series.
- Any other aspect you feel is
relevant to prospective readers.
a Review
You may leave a review at your book retailer of choice. Please note you will need to sign in to
leave a review. The review section can often be found on the lower section of
the book page.