The Story Behind the Story


The Story of Dawn-Wolf

The Origins

This story begins twelve years ago. I was discussing books with my daughter and niece, and if one day I decided to write a book what would the story be about? Between us, we came up with the idea of a story about an orphan fox adopted by a wolf pack, and the challenges that would bring.

At that time I was content writing, non-fiction articles and had convinced myself that I could never write a full novel. A few months passed before I began to toy with the idea of writing a middle-grade story about the fox and the wolves. This story takes place in Jasper National Park. I had a very vague outline from the discussion I had with the girls. I started to write and only managed to write two pages.

Fast forward to 2018 the story had been picked up and put away several times over four years. The story had changed from middle grade to YA, and even though I’d managed to write six chapters something was hindering the writing of this story, something was missing. In the year prior (2015 - 2017) I’d written and published A Dark Faerie Tale trilogy. To me, the earlier chapters of Dawn-Wolf were cringeworthy. My writing had certainly improved over those years.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

In 2019/2020 I began to outline the story again. I wanted to include fantasy and mythology elements. Also, First Nations/Indigenous People representation. Something that I feel is missing from mainstream fiction novels. In 2021 I approached two good friends of mine who are of Native American descent and shared with them my ideas for the story. With their help, Dawn-Wolf took shape and spread its wings. By January 2022 the story was complete.

People & Places

My Alberta, Canada research brought to my attention the people of Stoney Nakoda First Nation. You can read more about them : Here Several characters from the story are from the Stoney tribe and live/lived on the reserve Big Horn 144A

Jasper National Park

Sunwapta Falls Photo by Delphine Beausoleil on Unsplash

A large part of Dawn-Wolf takes part in Jasper National Park, the largest national park in the Canadian Rockies. The Alberta province is defined by glaciers, lakes and Mt. Edith Cavell. The Icefields Parkway, a road from the town of Jasper, passes through a subalpine forest and the enormous Columbia Icefield.

If any of this has piqued your interest and you would like to read a sample or purchase Dawn-Wolf (eBook or Paperback) you can find the links to all retailers on my website via the image link below.