I'm Back
A Happy New Year to you all. It's 2.30 am in the morning and I can't sleep because of back and hip pain, so what do I do…I write. My hiatus has come to an end. In the time away I have done much soul searching and procrastinating. I also managed to get some writing done even though it was edits and rewrites. Time away has giving a number of realisations.
- I should stick to writing. My dabbling in podcasting and video creating last year has been an enjoyable challenge, but hasn't been as productive or brought the engagement I anticipated.
- Keep things simple. Stick to one thing at one time instead of being all over the place (metaphorically).
- Paid subscriptions. Not many wish to view content behind a paywall, particularly if your an unknown quantity. Sorry Substack, but I've haven't got the clout to charge for my “words of wisdom.”
- I may not possess a degree in Creative Writing or Journalism, but I believe I've served my apprenticeship. Thirteen years and a passion for writing since childhood.
- Comparing myself to others won't have any effect on my successes or failures.
- Do what you love. You don't have to do everything.
- It doesn't pay to feel sorry for yourself. I'm putting on my big girl pants and getting on with getting on.
- New Year's resolutions, I haven't made any. Yes, there are things I want to do, but I will not set myself up for failure. However, I will make a promise to you. I will publish two books this year. It's been too long since I had a new release. I also feel obliged to make another promise, that I will take you on the behind-the-scenes journey. You'll also be getting more chapters of Stuffed in my next post.
In future I'll be trying to stick to posting bi-monthy. I can assure you I won't be posting anything long winded or self indulgent.
I shall now stop writing and try to sleep. Until the next time.
kindest regards